

本中心人员近四年来在国内外公开发表与实验教学有关的论文39篇,科研论文173篇,其中“SCI”、“EI”和“ISTP”收录35篇。施朝健撰写的论文“Charted depth interpolation: Neuron network approaches”(International Journal of Navigation and Port Research, vol. 28, no. 7, 629-634)2005年获韩国航海与港湾学会2004年度优秀论文奖。应士君撰写的论文“海上智能交通系统的构建研究”获得中国航海学会2005年度学术交流会优秀论文三等奖等。


附件六  近年发表的实验教学和实验室建设有关的主要论文

[1]     Chen, J., et al. Maritime English Practice: Situational Learning Case Using Marine Simulators. in the 20th International Maritime English Conference 2008. Shanghai, China.

[2]     Shi, C. and Y. Wang. Learning by Doing: Shiphandling Simulators for Maritime English Practice. in The International Maritime English Conference (IMEC 9). 2007.Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

[3]     Wang, Y. and C. Shi. Culture matters: how Chinese culture shapes and influences communication of seafarers. in the 20th International Maritime English Conference 2008.Shanghai, China.

[4]     Wang, S., C. Shi, and Y. Shi. Study On New Key Techniques For Navigation Simulator. in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[5]     Shi, C., et al. Collaboration to Enhance Development and Application of Shiphandling Simulators. in 2th IAIN World Congress / 2006 Internatioan symposium on GPS/GNSS. 2006. Jeju, Korea.

[6]     Shi, C. and Q. Hu. Internet-based integration of multiple shiphandling simulators: an interim report. in The International Association of Maritime Universities 6th Annual General Assembly and Conference. 2005. Malmo, Sweden: WIT Press.

[7]     Shi, C. and Q. Hu. Internet Based Integration of Multiple Shiphandling Simulators. in The 7th Annual General Assembly and Conference of the International Association of Maritime Universities. 2006. Dalian, China: Dalian Maritime University Press.

[8]     Zhang, Y., et al. Study on Integration of VTS Simulator in to Net System of Ship-handling Simulators. in 7th International Navigational Symposium on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 2007. Gdynia, Poland: Gdynia Maritime University, Poland.

[9]     Shi, C., J. Chen, and X. Chen. Integrated Simulator Training System For Ship Command. in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[10] Shi, C., J. Chen, and Q. Hu. Global Networking for Development of Shiphandling Simulators. in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[11] Peng, J. and C. Shi. A Multi-scaled Registration Algorithm for Radar Image and Electronic Chart. in International Radar Symposium(IRS-2008). 2008. Wroclaw, Poland.

[12] Shi, C., et al. Architecture of Vision Enhancement System for Maritime Search and Rescue. in The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Transport System Telecommunications (ITST2008). 2008. Phuket, Thailand: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,Inc.

[13] 周明华, 船舶机舱故障分析和安全措施, 上海造船2007.3

[14] 郑士君, 设备维护管理系统, 科技信息(科学教研)2007.2

[15] 郑华耀, 电机状态在线监测系统的设计与开发, 上海大中型电机2008.

[16] 詹玉龙, 船舶分油机常见故障分析和防范措施, 航海技术2006.2

[17] 詹玉龙, Systems engineering apply for modern marine engineering management, 上海海事大学学报2007.3

[18] 余立立, 施朝健, 黄震民, 红外遥控接收系统. 电子测量技术, 2005(2): p. 52-52.

[19] 应士君, 施朝健,石永辉, 海上智能交通系统实验室开发研究. 实验室研究与探索, 2006. 25(8): p. 893-895,904.

[20] 杨神化, 施朝健,关克平, 基于MAS和SHS智能港口交通流模拟系统的开发与应用. 系统仿真学报, 2007. 9(2): p. 289-292,299.

[21] 王胜正, 施朝健,石永辉, 新一代船舶操纵模拟器关键技术. 上海海事大学学报,2007. 28(1): p. 143-149.

[22] 王胜正, et al. 海上搜救模拟器系统的研究与应用 Development and application of marine search and rescue simulator. in 第五届中国国际救捞论坛 The 5th China International Rescue & Salvage Conference. 2008. 中国大连: 海洋出版社.

[23] 王海燕, 大型船用柴油机建模与动态仿真, 系统仿真学报. 2006.9

[24] 施朝健, 胡甚平, 陈锦标, 船舶操纵模拟器技术性能标准研究. 上海海事大学学报, 2005. 26(2): p. 4-8.

[25] 施朝健, 陈锦标, 胡勤友, 船舶操纵模拟器开发和应用的全球协作. 上海海事大学学报, 2007. 28(1): p.1-6.

[26] 盛威, et al., 基于USB的航海模拟器雷达接口的设计. 上海海事大学学报, 2006. 27(2): p. -4.

[27] 毛奇凰, et al. 海上误报警及GMDSS综合训练系统探讨. in 中国航海学会通信导航专业委员会2004学术年会. 2004.

[28] 李永进,施朝健. 艇用机枪射击模拟器研究. in 中国自动化学会系统仿真专业委员会2004学术年会. 2004. 安徽合肥: 中国科技大学出版社.

[29] 李品友,LNG船船员培训课程之研究,航海技术2006.02

[30] 阚安康,真空绝热板导热系数测量装置的设计,上海海事大学学报2006.

[31] 关克平:《基于Creator和Vega的航海模拟器三维视景系统开发》,《系统仿真技术及其应用》第8卷,2006年8月.

[32] 关克平, 陈锦标,施朝健. 基于Creator和Vega的航海模拟器三维视景系统开发. in 2006'系统仿真技术及其应用学术年会. 2006. 武汉,中国: 中国科学技术出版社.

[33] 关克平, et al., 港航设计论证中的三维视景建模技术. 系统仿真学报, 2006. 8(s2): p. 426-440.

[34] 陈锦标, et al., 船艇指挥综合模拟训练系统. 上海海事大学学报, 2007. 28(): p. 50-55.

[35] 郑士君, 船岸一体化管理平台设计, 机电设备,2006.1

[36] 詹玉龙, “轮机资源管理(ERM)的应用研究”, 2006年苏、浙、闽、沪航海学会学术研讨论文集 2006

[37] 刘红敏,模糊PID控制器在全集装箱船通风控制中的应用,造船技术2007.

[38] 阚安康,真空绝热板的结构设计研究,制冷空调与电力机械2006.3

[39] 胡以怀,基于GPRS-Internet的船舶主机监测系统的实现,机械工程与自动化2006.2

附件七   近年发表的主要科研论文

[1]     Zhang, M. and C. Shi. Vessel Preventing Collision Using Differential Games In Urgent Situation. in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[2]     Zhang, M. and C. Shi. Autonomous Collision Avoidance for Ships Using APF Method. in The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering (ICTE’2007). 2007. Chengdu, P.R. China: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

[3]     Zhang, M. and C. Shi. Autonomous Collision Avoidance For Ships Using APF Method in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[4]     Ying, S., C. Shi, and S. Yang. Ship Route Designing for Collision Avoidance Based on Bayesian Genetic Algorithm. in 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation. 2007. Guangzhou, P.R. China.

[5]     Yang, S., et al. Study On Decision-Making System For Vessel Automatic Anti-Collision With Multi-Agent System Technology in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[6]     Yang, S. and C. Shi. Forecast of Port Throughput Based on Spreadsheet. in The 2th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2005. Chongqing, China: China Machine Press.

[7]     Yang, C., Q. Hu, and C. Shi. Automated Collision Resolution for Vessel Traffic Management by Using Cooperative Multi-Agent Negotiation. in The 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications. 2007. Sophia Antipolis, France.

[8]     Wu, H., et al. Influence of Bit-Error Rate on the Throughput of STDMA Ad-hoc Network. in International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). 2007.Toronto, Canada.

[9]     Wu, H., et al. eSeagull: Design of Mobile P2P File Sharing System at Sea. in 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. 2008. Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan.

[10] Wu, H., et al. An Architecture for Mobile P2P File Sharing in Marine Domain. in Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications. 2008. Hong Kong, China.

[11] Wu, H., et al. A Trust Management Model for P2P File Sharing System. in The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE2008). 2008. Hanwha Resort Haeundae, Busan, Korea.

[12] Wang, B., et al., A novel stochastic search method for polygonal approximation problem. NEUROCOMPUTING, 2008. 7(6-8): p. 326-3223.

[13] Wang, B. and C. Shi. Shape Matching Using Chord-Length Function. in The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning. 2006.Burgos, Spain: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

[14] Wang, B. and C. Shi. A Novel Split-and-Merge Technique for Error-Bounded Polygonal Approximation. in The 3th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006). 2006. Hong Kong: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

[15] Wang, B. and C. Shi. A Novel Fourier Descriptor for Shape Retrieval. in The Second International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'06) and the Third International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'06) . 2006. Xi'an, China: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

[16] Wang, B. and C. Shi. A hybrid genetic algorithm for two types of polygonal approximation problems. in The 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Computing. 2006.Kunming, Yunnan Province, China: Springer.

[17] Thant, K.H. and C. Shi. Classification Of Ship By Image Processing And Neural Network. in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[18] Thant, K.H. and C. Shi, Classification of ship by image processing and neural network. Journal of Shanghai Maritime University, 2007. 28(): p. -6.

[19] Shi, C., M. Zhang, and J. Peng. Vessel Collision Avoidance in Close-Quarter Situation Using Differential Games. in The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering (ICTE 2007). 2007. Chengdu, P.R. China: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

[20] Shi, C., M. Zhang, and J. Peng. Harmonic Potential Field Method for Autonomous Ship Navigation. in The 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications. 2007. Sophia Antipolis, France.

[21] Shi, C., J. Li, and J. Peng. Radar display and collision danger assessment for decision-making support. in International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 2008). 2008. Orlando, USA.

[22] Shi, C., J. Li, and J. Peng. A new approach for ARPA display and collision danger assessment. in International Radar Symposium(IRS-2008). 2008. Wroclaw, Poland.

[23] Shi, C., Charted Depth Interpolation: Neuron Network Approaches. International Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 2004. 28(7): p. 629-634.

[24] Shi, C. Charted Depth Interpolation: Neuron Network Approaches. in Asian Navigation Conference. 2004. Gwangyanng-si, Korea.

[25] Shi, C. and B. Wang. Shape Retrieval Using Statistical Chord-Length Features. in 2006 IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT'06). 2006.Hsinchu, Taiwan: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

[26] Shi, C. and B. Wang. A split-and-merge method with ranking selection for polygonal approximation of digital curve. in The 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, . 2006. Kunming, Yunnan Province, China: Springer.

[27] Peng, J. and C. Shi. Recognizing road environment for vision system on autonomous vehicles. in The 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications. 2007. Sophia Antipolis, France.

[28] Myint, K.T. and C. Shi. Moving Target Detection And Tracking Using Active Contour Model In A Single Camera Surveillance System. in The Workshop of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology (OEMT 2006). 2006. Shanghai, China.

[29] Myint, K.T. and C. Shi, Moving target detection and tracking using active contour model in a single camera surveillance system. Journal of Shanghai Maritime University, 2007. 28(): p. 32-35.

[30] Mao, Q., J. Feng, and C. Shi. Marine alert processing based on intelligent fusion. in 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science. 2008. Madrid, SPAIN: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD.

[31] Liu, Y. and C. Shi. A Fuzzy-Neural Inference Network for Ship Collision Avoidance in 2005 IEEE The Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC2005). 2005. Guangzhou, China.

[32] Hu, Q., Q. Hu, and C. Shi. A Negotiation Framework for Automatic Collision Avoidance between Vessels. in The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. 2006. Hong Kong: IEEE Computer Society.

[33] Hu, Q., J. Chen, and C. Shi. Bringing Live AIS Information on the Web Charts by Using Ajax. in The 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications. 2007. Sophia Antipolis, France.

[34] Hu, Q., et al. Enabling Vessel Collision-Avoidance Expert Systems to Negotiate. in 2th IAIN World Congress / 2006 International symposium on GPS/GNSS. 2006. Jeju,Korea.

[35] Guan, K., et al. Three-Dimensional Vision System of Navigational Simulation for Assessment of Navigation Safety in Design of Harbor and Waterway. in The First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response. 2007. Shanghai, China: Atlantis Press.

[36] Ding, J., C. Shi, and A. Weintrit. An Important Waypoint on Passage of Navigation History: Zheng He's Sailing to West Ocean. in 7th International Navigational Symposium on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 2007. Gdynia, Poland: Gdynia Maritime University, Poland.

[37] Ding, J., C. Shi, and A. Weintrit, Zheng He's Sailing to West Ocean - An Important Waypoint on Passage of Navigation History. Coordinates, 2007. III(9): p. 2-27.

[38] QIN Tingrong, CHEN Weijiong, ZHANG Jinpeng. Application of Fuzzy-Extension Model in Piloting Safety[C]. Progress In Safety Science And Technology. 2006:88-885(ISTP收录)

[39] QIN Ting-rong, CHEN Wei-jiong, ZENG Xiang-kun. Risk management modeling and its application in maritime safety[J]. J. Marine. Sci. Appl. 2008 (7):286-29

[40] Yang, S., L. Li, and C. Shi. ECDIS Based Decision-Making System for Vessel Automatic Collision Avoidance on Restricted Water Area in The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2006. Dalian, China.

[41] Yang, S., L. Li, and C. Shi. Decision-making support system for vessel automatic antigrounding and anti-reef. in The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering (ICTE’2007). 2007. Chengdu, P.R. China: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

[42] Yang, S., et al. Application of Multi-agent Technology in Decision-making System for Vessel Automatic Anti-collision. in 2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics. 2007. Jinan, China.

[43] Shi, C., M. Zhang, and J. Peng. Harmonic Potential Field Method for Autonomous Ship Navigation. in Asia Navigation Conference 2007. 2007. Tokyo, Japan.

[44] 曹丹,A new type of vacuum insulated panel,3rd Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (ACRA 2006) 2006.5

[45] 朱建元,基于自回归谱分析的柴油机气缸盖振动状态监测,振动与冲击2008.08

[46] 朱建元,基于BP神经网络与时间序列分析的柴油机故障诊断,上海海事大学学报 2006.04

[47] 朱建元,M odeling and Simulating of Container Ship’s Main Diesel Engine,International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2008.3

[48] 郑士君, 浅析中国远洋船员外派, 中国水运2006.3

[49] 郑华耀, Sensorless Control for Ship Electric Propulsion IPMSM Drive using Fuzzy Neuro-network, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2006.

[50] 赵大明, 施朝健, and 彭静, 应用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的船舶运动模型参数辨识. 上海海事大学学报, 2008. 29(3): p. 5-9.

[51] 章学来,小型冰蓄冷空调研究进展,制冷2007.3

[52] 章学来,十二水磷酸氢二钠的相变性能,化工进展2008.6

[53] 章学来,喷射载冷剂制取冰浆的添加剂优选,化学工程2006.6

[54] 章学来,Study on the selection of additives to generate ice slurry in spraying secondary refrigerant system,3rd Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (ACRA 2006), 2006.5

[55] 张毅, 胡勤友, 施朝健, HLA与MAS在分布式仿真领域的应用比较. 计算机技术与发展(微机发展), 2006. 6(): p. 50-53.

[56] 张明铭,施朝健, 紧迫局面下船舶避碰的微分博弈方法. 上海海事大学学报, 2007. 28(): p. 37-42.

[57] 詹玉龙, 系统工程方法在现代轮机管理中的应用, 上海海事大学学报2007.3

[58] 应士君, 施朝健,杨神化. 海上智能交通系统的构建研究. in 中国航海学会2005年度学术交流会. 2005.

[59] 应士君, 施朝健, 杨神化. 基于bayes 模型的遗传算法在避碰航路设计中的应用. in 可持续发展的中国交通--2005全国博士生学术论坛(交通运输工程学科). 2005.

[60] 应士君, 施朝健, 陈锦标. 基于多Agent的IBS故障诊断系统研究. in 中国航海学会通信导航专业委员会2006年学术年会. 2006. 中国北京.

[61] 应士君, 施朝健, and 王胜正. AIS与ARPA数据融合算法. in 全国第9届计算机技术与应用(CACIS)学术会议. 2008. 中国安徽合肥.

[62] 杨万枫,液化天然气的翻滚现象及防止措施,航海技术2007

[63] 杨万枫,船舱通风散热系统的数学建模,能源技术

[64] 杨神化, 李丽娜, and 施朝健, 船舶自动避浅避礁决策支持系统. 上海海事大学学报, 2007. 28(2): p. 4-20.

[65] 杨神化, et al., 基于MAS和航海模拟器技术构建船舶自动避碰仿真平台. 系统仿真学报, 2006. 8(s2): p. 686-690.

[66] 杨神化, et al., 多 agent 理论和技术在自动避碰决策系统中的应用. 上海海事大学学报, 2007. 28(): p. 2-25.

[67] 许智灵,冷藏集装箱温度控制器更新后设定初始参数的方法,航海技术2007.0

[68] 许智灵,冷藏集装箱故障诊断与处理的探讨,航海技术2006.0

[69] 许乐平, 单一方法处理船舶压载水行不通, 中国水运2006.2

[70] 许乐平, FMEA在船舶系统风险评估中的应用, 世界海运2006.02

[71] 王则胜,施朝健, 基于改进的神经网络的船舶碰撞危险度的模型. 中国航海, 2007. 2007(): p. 65-67.

[72] 王晓中, 中小航运企业轮机案例数据库的研究, 2006年苏、浙、闽、沪航海学会学术研讨论文集2006 年

[73] 王晓中, 轮机人员绩效评估中的可靠性模糊选型, 中国水运2006.6

[74] 王晓中, 船用锅炉的模型及控制特性研究, 南通航运职业技术学院学报2008.3

[75] 王胜正:《一种实时的3D动态海洋模拟新方法》,计算机应用,2007.5,核心期刊。

[76] 王胜正,施朝健. 基于SPIHT与DSP的雷达视频数据压缩. in 中国航海学会通信导航专业委员会2004学术年会. 2004.

[77] 王胜正,施朝健, 基于两种色彩空间的颜色选择方法. 计算机应用与软件, 2004. 2(2): p. 4-6.

[78] 王胜正,关克平等:《基于VDR与虚拟现实技术的海事分析系统的研究》,中国航海学会通信导航专业委员会2005年学术年会论文集,2005年0月。

[79] 王胜正, 施朝健, and 石永辉, 面向柱形屏幕投影系统的自动实时几何校正方法. 系统仿真学报, 2007. 9(s2): p. 28-220.

[80] 王海燕, 涡轮增压柴油机线性变参数模型, 哈尔滨工程大学学报2007.9

[81] 王海燕, 大型低速柴油机线性变参数状态空间模型, 内燃机学报2006.

[82] 王海燕, 船用大型低速二冲程柴油机的动态模型, 内燃机学报2006.9

[83] 王海燕, Control Oriented Dynamic Modeling of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine. The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Jinan, China 2006.0

[84] 王斌,施朝健, 多边形近似曲线的基于排序选择的拆分合并算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2006. 8(8): p. 49-54.

[85] 王斌, et al., 一种基于轮廓线的形状描述与匹配方法. 电子与信息学报, 2008. 30(4): p. 949-952.

[86] 王斌 and 施朝健, 用混合遗传算法求解两类多边形近似问题. 电子学报, 2007. 35(8): p. 527-532.

[87] 孙永明, 上海地区利用浅层地温热泵供热和制冷的可行性探讨, 制冷与空调2008.4

[88] 孙永明, 基于灰理论的港口吞吐量预测研究, 中国水运2007.4

[89] 孙永明, 船舶溢油事故风险评估方法研究, 中国水运2007.8

[90] 孙文哲,中央空调的冷却水大温差适用性研究,制冷2007.2

[91] 孙文哲,相变内墙结构及其厚度的研究,建筑科学2008.4

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